Scrum Gathering 2016 – Mob Programming: How to never stop producing value ! My Slides.

Hello agile people from all over the world !
I usually write in French for my blog but as I am speaking about last Scrum Gathering 2016 at Porto In Portugal, which is an international conference, I decided to write in 3 languages.

First of all I would like to thank all of the Scrum Gathering organizers (Agile Connect, Volunteers from ISEP School, Company Partners…) for this special event in Portugal. It was so great, with so many speakers from a lot of countries. It was AMAZING !!!

Now, as you may know or not, I was attending this conference as a speaker to tell my story about Mob Programming.

If I would summarize my talk, I would say: « Discover this software engineering practice and what it can bring to your organization. »
To go deeper, the idea behind was to show How we worked before Agile, Why Agile is a good way of working but not sufficient according to the contexts and what this fairly new Mob Programming concept is.
I also tried to explain in less than 40 minutes how it’s working, and why it’s so powerful for your organization.

Better than spoiling you, here are the slides !
If you want to see them directly from slideshare :
Or You also can watch them with slideshare reader at the end of this post : Click to go directly 🙂

I hope these slides will inspire you for your next or current project and you will decide to give Mob Programming a try. If so, feel free to let me know about your stories here by comments or by contacting me on twitter (@_adesousa).

Version française

Bonjour à tous les agilistes !
J’écris habituellement mon blog en français, mais comme je vais vous parler du dernier Scrum Gathering 2016 qui a eu lieu à Porto au Portugal, et qui est une conférence internationale, j’ai décidé d’écrire en 3 langues.

Tout d’abord, je tiens à remercier tous les organisateurs du Scrum Gathering (Agile Connect, les volontaires de l’école d’ingénieurs ISEP, les entreprises partenaires …) pour cet événement spécial au Portugal. C’était réellement incroyable, avec tant d’orateurs provenant de nombreux pays. Un seul mot d’ordre: incroyable !!!

Maintenant, comme vous le savez peut-être ou non, j’assistais à cette conférence en tant que speaker pour raconter mon histoire sur le Mob Programming.

Si je devais résumer, je dirais: «Découvrez cette pratique de l’ingénierie logicielle et ce qu’elle peut apporter à votre organisation.»
Pour aller plus loin, l’idée de ce talk consistait à démontrer comment l’on travaillait généralement avant Agile, pourquoi Agile est un bon cadre de travail, mais pas suffisant notamment dans certains contextes. Et enfin qu’est-ce que cette nouvelle approche.
J’ai également essayé d’expliquer en moins de 40 minutes comment cela fonctionne, et pourquoi il est si puissant pour votre organisation.

Mieux que de spoiler, voici les slides!
Si vous voulez les voir directement à partir de slideshare:
Vous pouvez également les regarder avec le lecteur de slideshare à la fin de cet article: Cliquez ici pour y aller directement 🙂

J’espère que ces slides vous inspireront pour votre prochain projet ou votre projet actuel et que vous déciderez d’essayer le Mob Programming. Si tel est le cas, n’hésitez pas à me faire part de vos histoires en commentaire ou en me contactant sur twitter (@_adesousa).

Versão Portuguesa

Olá pessoal Ágil de todo o mundo!
Costumo escrever em francês no meu blog, mas como estou a falar sobre o último Scrum Gathering 2016 no Porto em Portugal, e que é uma conferência internacional, decidi escrever em 3 línguas.

Em primeiro lugar gostaria de agradecer a todos os organizadores do Scrum Gathering (Agile Connect, Voluntários da Escola ISEP, empresas parceiras …) para este evento especial em Portugal. Foi tão inacreditavel, com tantos oradores de muitos países. Numa palavra : Foi fantástico !!!

Agora, como você pode saber ou não, eu estava participando a esta conferência como um speaker para contar a minha história sobre o Mob Programming.

Se eu resumisse minha apresentação, eu diria: « Descubra esta prática de engenharia de software e o que ela pode trazer para sua organização ».
Para ir mais longe, a idéia por trás era mostrar como se trabalháva antes de Agile, porque Agile é uma boa maneira de trabalhar, mas não suficiente de acordo com certos contextos e o que este conceito é.
Eu também tentei explicar em menos de 40 minutos como ele funciona e por que é tão poderoso para sua organização.

Melhor do que fazer spoil, aqui ficam os slides!
Se quiser vê-los diretamente do slideshare:
Ou também pode ver com o leitor slideshare no final deste artigo: Clique aqui para ir diretamente 🙂

Espero que estes slides irão inspirar para o seu próximo ou atual projeto e que você vai experimentar Mob Programming no futuro. Se assim fôr, conte-me suas historias aqui por comentários ou diga-me no twitter (@_adesousa).

Ecrit par André De Sousa

Je suis un coach Agile ayant plus de 10 années d'expérience Agile et 15 d'expérience dans la Tech. J'ai coaché/mentoré/animé plus d'une vingtaine d'équipes faisant du Scrum, XP ou du Kanban depuis mes débuts en agilité ainsi que des organisations en pleine transformation agile. Enfin, avec une "fail startup" à mon actif, j'aide les entrepreneurs qui se lancent pour leur éviter de reproduire mes propres erreurs. Actuellement Coach Agile / Formateur / Scrum Master / Hackathon Organizer /Learning Expedition Organizer chez The Valley.

4 Commentaires

  1. Hi André,

    Great presentation you’ve done. I wish I had participate to this in Porto.
    Just a question though. You said larger groups should consider spliting into multiple mob OR 1 mob and several pair programmers.
    Can you just give us more insight about pair programmers please ? I don’t understand where they stand. Are pair programmers drivers or navigators ?

    Thank you and keep up the good work! 😉

  2. Hi Fabrice,

    Actually, the idea behind 1 Mob and several pair programmers is more related to the fact that if you start learning how to work in Mob, start small : 4 to 6 people is good. If your team is larger than 6 people, it’s better to split into 2 mobs sessions in 2 rooms or just keeping 1 mob session and other people doing pair programming at the same time. Once the first mobbing people feels more comfortable with that way of working, then you can integrate the second group of pair programmers or just revert them (Mobbers now do Pair Programming and Pair Programmer now do Mobbing).

    Hope my answer is helpful, if not, tell me ! 😉

  3. Hi André,

    Thank you for your answer. If I understood well the idea is just to split teams to ensure everybody’s involve in the process.
    I will try to apply it next time I have a large group!

    Thank you again.


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